All communication majors with a major GPA of 3.8 or higher at the conclusion of the fall semester of their senior year are eligible for honors and will be contacted by the department to invite them to participate in the honors process.

To obtain honors, eligible students can select a paper that they have already written for a previous communication class and revise that paper under the direction of a faculty member advisor. The advisor and student also jointly
select a second reader who is also at WFU faculty member; this second
reader reads the completed paper and participates in the defense. The
student is responsible for asking this second reader.

The finished product should be a 15-20 page paper. Honors are designated
only after the paper is both approved by the advisor, and presented and defended in a one-hour defense to the advisor and second reader.

Alternatively, students may opt to present a creative project produced in a
300-level production class, following the procedures outlined above.

The process for receiving honors thus begins at the conclusion of the fall
semester of senior year when eligible students are notified about honors.
Eligible students who are interested are then required to declare honors by
the week before the last add/drop day; to select a paper or creative work;
and to select a faculty member to work with.

Honors in Communication 2024

Grace Aronofsky

Sydney Bryan

Ellie Casteel

Elefteria Euripides

Elyse Farrell

Alexa Frost

Mary Klarer Fultz

Grace Greenwald

Elisabeth Hollensbee

Rachel Peterson

Olivia Russell

Ali Tyler

Mackenzie Weir

Lexi Zykowski