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Mission Statement

The Communication Department studies the phenomenon of human communication in all its aspects. We support a liberal arts approach to communication through scholarship, creative production, and teaching in several concentrations:  integrated communication strategies, communication science, media studies, public advocacy and health communication. Our goal for undergraduate majors and minors is to prepare them for the responsibilities of citizenship and for the many career paths in which knowledge of communication is a critical asset.

In order to meet the mission of the department, faculty in our department are committed to an area of research, conduct research and creative activities within that area and work to publish and present that work in appropriate outlets whether that is in academic books and journals, research conferences, public presentations or film festivals, to name but a few examples. By doing so we not only advance the body of knowledge and creativity in our selected areas, but we deepen and broaden ourselves as scholars and practitioners which ultimately improves our classroom work.  Only by continuing to be active in our own endeavors can we bring the field of communication fully to life in the classroom.

Thus, our mission further plays itself out in the classroom. Our students learn about communication theory and practice from engaged scholars and practitioners who seek to improve their own teaching through participation in TLC activities, workshops within and outside of the University, active engagement with the practice of teaching and efforts to continuously adapt and improve what we do in the classroom.  Ultimately, we seek to teach students who come away from our program with both a theoretical and a practical understanding of communication as a discipline and importantly, with an understanding of the critical connection between praxis and practice.

Department Office

117 Carswell Hall (campus maps)

Phone: 336-758-5405
Fax: 336-758-4691

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 7347
Winston-Salem, NC 27109