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Click here for Course DescriptionsCommunication Department Undergraduate Offerings Fall 2024


Communication Practicum

Directed work using existing guidelines and programs already in place.

Debate PracticumCOM 282 and 2831.5 credit hours
Production PracticumCOM 284 and 2851.5 credit hours
Research PracticumCOM 287 and 2881.5 credit hours

Student must work under the guidance of a faculty supervisor.
Student may take up to three hours of practicum in one semester.
A maximum of six hours can be earned but only three hours will count toward a
major in communication.

Individual Study

Individual study is a unique opportunity for self-directed students to study in areas not otherwise offered or to work with a faculty member to pursue areas of the discipline in greater depth.

• Student must develop a project that goes beyond the parameters of any of the
Department’s course offerings.

• Students must consult with faculty members who have expertise in the area of
interest and are willing to advise the project. Ideally, this consultation should take
place well in advance of the semester in which the project will be undertaken.

• Criteria for evaluating the project and the number of hours (1-3 credit hours) that may be awarded will be determined by the faculty adviser.

• Students will then register themselves in Workday for the approved COM 286 for the semester in which the project takes place.

Study Abroad

The Department accepts some credit from established and accredited study abroad programs. Students interested in studying abroad should consult with their departmental adviser about scheduling issues and to ensure that study abroad programs will contribute to their progress toward timely graduation. It is a student’s responsibility to verify if and how course credit will transfer into the Department prior to going abroad.